Web Application Cleanup

Web Application Cleanup

Delete the AWS Amplify Console application and optionally the AWS CodeCommit or GitHub repository created:

For the Amplify Console web application:

  1. Launch the Amplify Console console page.
  2. Select the application you launched today.
  3. From Actions in the top right corner, select Delete App
  4. Complete the application deletion process.

For the IAM Role:

  1. Go to the AWS IAM Console
  2. Select Roles from the navigation menu.
  3. Type wildrydes-backend-role into the filter box and select the role.
  4. On the top right, click on the Delete role button.
  5. Reenter role name and click Delete when prompted to confirm.

For the CodeCommit repository:

  1. Open the AWS CodeCommit console
  2. Select the radio button next to the repository created today.
  3. Select Delete repository from the upper right of the page.
  4. Complete the repository deletion process.